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Montclair BID names full-time executive director

Jason Gleason is the new Executive Director of the Montclair BID.

Jason Gleason has been titled as Montclair BID executive director. Gleason had been serving as the acting executive theatre director since Venerable of last twelvemonth, and previously, as the board president.

Gleason replaced Jennifer Brown WHO stepped down Aug. 2, 2019. Brown replaced Israel Cronk in November 2018.

"We are delighted to have Jason as our new executive," said Lisa Johnson, Chief Executive of the Montclair Center BID. "His knowledge of the residential area, the needs of business owners, and the consumers' concerns come instantly from his years working in the business district and as a board member."

Montclair Focus BID officials as wel declared its enforcement board for 2020: LBJ, Vice-President Phil Cantor, Financial officer Jennifer Bobal, Secretary Sue Schultz and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Jarmilla Packard.

Gleason will be leading all the 2022 Beseech projects and initiatives including a new free health festival, "Have intercourse Yourself Montclair," which will live held at the Wellmont Dramaturgy on Saturday, March on 21. The Adjure's euphony program will include a June Springfest, the return of Oktoberfest and six focused Centre stage concerts formed in partnership with Montclair music organizations. The BID will also be pursuing a second phase of the mural political program to bring more art and placemaking downtown. Additionally, the BID will be starting a property-owner committee, working happening parking solutions, and continuing business-possessor education programs.

Gleason was named as president of the Montclair Kernel Entreat in 2019, afterward previously serving as assistant treasurer/secretary for 2018. Erst of the Pig and Prince Eating house of Montclair, Gleason has worked in the community for nine years and was instrumental in developing the extremely successful Octoberfest celebration.

Gleason will be the fifth leader of the Montclair BID, which was founded in 2002. Honk had been executive director of the BID since Apr 2016, when he replaced Martin Luther Flurry. Cronk was besides a board member with the BID prior to becoming director.

Brown's annual salary was $100,000. During his interim tenure, Gleason had been contracted at $42,500 for a six month period, said BID officials.

Mayor Robert Thomas Jackson congratulated Gleason on his appointment and said helium looked forward to a continued productive family relationship, working along new programming for the residential area.

Representing Thomas More than 400 businesses and all over 200 property owners in business district Montclair, the Montclair Center BID is directly responsible for the music performances, beautification projects including plants and decorations, banners, way of life-finding signage and maintenance throughout the district. By encouraging dynamic collaboration, the Montclair Center Call also creates exciting events for shoppers and tourists, marketing opportunities for retailers and restauranteurs, and actively seeks to meliorate the country for businesses and residents. For more information, visit

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