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30 Day Reading Plan New Testament, Acts Power, Prophecy

On February 28, 2016, Aleix Segura Vendrell claimed a Guinness World Record by holding his breath for 24 minutes and three seconds. Survivalists and scientists have adamant that most humans tin survive a few days without h2o and perchance a month or more without food. While nosotros know it's possible, most would agree that testing these limits is not advisable. Our trunk needs regular doses of fresh air, nutrient, and water for optimal health.

Why so, do and so many Christians fast from the solid food of God's Word (one Corinthians 3:i-two), choosing instead to live on i meal each Dominicus morning time? We sing, "This is the air I breathe," even so many of God's people stumble through spiritual droughts because they fail to beverage from the well of living h2o (John seven:37-39). Nosotros need a fresh supply of God'south wisdom and presence every twenty-four hours.

Where can we find this spiritual sustenance? Ephesians half-dozen:17 instructs united states to "take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." The well of living water flows through God's Discussion.

Colossians ane:ix records Paul's prayer for the church of Colossae—a prayer that makes an important distinction. He prays for the Colossians to be "filled with the knowledge of [God'due south] will in all wisdom and spiritual agreement." Every bit we study the Bible, nosotros receive wisdom. Just Paul reminds us that at that place is more to our faith than wisdom; there is besides spiritual agreement to exist gained when we consistently report the educational activity of the Scriptures.

How do nosotros maximize our response to the Bible's instruction? Spending time in God's Discussion each solar day is the primal to spiritual growth. We draw from its power by preparing our hearts, examining each poesy, applying its wisdom, observing inner changes, memorizing verses, and demonstrating its impact.

six Tips for Effective Bible Study

1. Avoid Barriers
2. Analyze Meaning
3. Transform Inside
4. Explore Attitudes
five. Increase Ability
six. Demonstate Renewal

Bible Reading Plan


Study Tip One: Avoid Barriers

Corrie 10 Nail frequently remarked, "If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make u.s.a. busy." Isn't that the truth? The idea that you're besides busy to spend fourth dimension in God'south Give-and-take comes directly from the enemy of your soul. Knowing that Satan wants to deter you, your first action step is to find a time and a location where you can consistently meet with the Lord without interruption. And so before reading, pray: Invite the Lord to plant His Word in your centre and inquire Him to remove anything that could stand in the way of your interaction with Him (James 1:19-21). And then open the portion of Scripture you accept chosen to study.


Study Tip 2: Analyze Meaning

Because that the Bible is more of a library than a volume, there is a temptation to experience overwhelmed and rush through its pages. Don't. Examine each poetry of your chosen passage. As you read, think of the Bible as a dearest letter from God. This exercise will increment your sensitivity to every attribute of its bulletin. Do non be overly concerned with the length of the passage you lot are studying. Remember that your goal is not to scan big amounts of data, simply to gain instruction from God's Word.

Keep a pen, pencil, or highlighter bachelor to mark significant words, phrases, or passages in your study. Consider utilizing a Bible commentary, a concordance, or a Bible dictionary to increase your understanding.

Meme: Think of the Bible as a love letter to God.


Study Tip Iii: Transform Within

James tells united states, "He who looks into the perfect police of liberty and continues in information technology, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does" (one:25). After reading a passage of Scripture, identify 1 cardinal concept to employ to your life today.

Meme: Drawing personal application begins with your heart and mind.

Drawing personal application begins with your center and mind. Ask God to lead and guide you lot in your present circumstances, and pray that He will assistance you submit to His will.


Report Tip Four: Explore Attitudes

Equally yous seek to apply God'southward truth in your life, note the changes that need to occur in your attitude, outlook, and carry. Explore the Word, reading and rereading what God has said well-nigh the things you need to alter. God will change you! Tape these meditations in a journal or in the margins of your Bible. Reflect on i affair you learned about yourself through today's study. Ask yourself, How is God speaking to me regarding this result?


Study Tip Five: Increase Ability

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible; its 176 verses gloat "the law of the Lord"—God's special revelation and gracious direction for life. Verse xi says, "Your word I accept subconscious in my heart, that I might non sin confronting Y'all." How do you lot hide God's Word in your heart? By memorizing it. When you commit Scripture to memory, the Holy Spirit will utilise its truth to guide your thoughts and actions.

I memorization method is to transcribe a meaningful verse from your Scripture reading onto a notecard that you can carry throughout the twenty-four hour period. Identify information technology where it can be seen—in your auto, on the bathroom mirror, on the treadmill, or on the computer screen. If you desire power in your Christian life, Scripture memorization will provide it.


Study Tip Six: Demonstrate Renewal

When yous habitually spend fourth dimension in God's Give-and-take, you tin can't help but experience renewal within and out. Consider these words from Psalm 119: "Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!… I will delight myself in Your statutes, I will not forget Your word…. I volition run the course of Your commandments…. I thought about my ways, and turned my feet to Your testimonies…. I have inclined my eye to perform Your statutes" (verses 2, 16, 32, 59, 112, emphasis added). Do y'all see the connection betwixt the psalmist'south inward thoughts and his outward actions? The ideas that inhabit your mind will work their manner out in the choices you lot brand. Demonstration is an external procedure that reveals internal renewal.

Meme: The ideas that inhabit your mind will work their way out in the choices you make.

As you lot study God's Give-and-take, its instruction and power volition change your behavior. Make information technology your goal to share the encouragement of His Word with others whenever possible.

Bible Reading Program

Now that you accept the steps, it's time to get started. This downloadable reading plan will guide you through the entire Bible in one year.

January February March
Mean solar day 1: Genesis one – 4 Leviticus 14 – 15 Deuteronomy 26 – 27
Day 2: Genesis 5 – 8 Leviticus 16 – 18 Deuteronomy 28 – 29
Day iii: Genesis 9 – 12 Leviticus 19 – 21 Deuteronomy 30 – 32
Day 4: Genesis thirteen – 17 Leviticus 22 – 23 Deuteronomy 33 – 34
Twenty-four hour period 5: Genesis xviii – twenty Leviticus 24 – 25 Joshua 1 – 4
Day 6: Genesis 21 – 23 Leviticus 26 – 27 Joshua five – seven
Day vii: Genesis 24 – 25 Numbers 1 – 2 Joshua 8 – 10
Solar day 8: Genesis 26 – 28 Numbers 3 – iv Joshua 11 – 13
Day nine: Genesis 29 – 31 Numbers five – 6 Joshua fourteen – 17
Twenty-four hours 10: Genesis 32 – 35 Numbers vii Joshua eighteen – 20
Day 11: Genesis 36 – 38 Numbers eight – 10 Joshua 21 – 22
Day 12: Genesis 39 – 41 Numbers 11 – thirteen Joshua 23 – 24
Twenty-four hour period thirteen: Genesis 42 – 43 Numbers 14 – 15 Judges 1 – iii
Twenty-four hours 14: Genesis 44 – 46 Numbers 16 – 18 Judges 4 – 5
Day 15: Genesis 47 – 50 Numbers 19 – 21 Judges 6 – 8
Day xvi: Exodus i – 4 Numbers 22 – 24 Judges 9 – 10
Day 17: Exodus 5 – 7 Numbers 25 – 26 Judges 11 – 13
Mean solar day xviii: Exodus viii – 10 Numbers 27 – 29 Judges 14 – 16
Day 19: Exodus 11 – 13 Numbers 30 – 32 Judges 17 – 19
Day 20: Exodus fourteen – 16 Numbers 33 – 36 Judges xx – 21
Mean solar day 21: Exodus 17 – 20 Deuteronomy 1 – two Ruth 1 – 4
Day 22: Exodus 21 – 23 Deuteronomy 3 – 4 1 Samuel 1 – 3
Day 23: Exodus 24 – 27 Deuteronomy 5 – 8 one Samuel 4 – vii
Twenty-four hours 24: Exodus 28 – xxx Deuteronomy 9 – 11 one Samuel 8 – 12
Twenty-four hour period 25: Exodus 31 – 34 Deuteronomy 12 – xv 1 Samuel 13 – xiv
24-hour interval 26: Exodus 35 – 37 Deuteronomy 16 – nineteen i Samuel xv – 16
Day 27: Exodus 38 – 40 Deuteronomy 20 – 22 1 Samuel 17 – xviii
Day 28: Leviticus 1 – iv Deuteronomy 23 – 25 1 Samuel 19 – 21
Day 29: Leviticus 5 – vii 1 Samuel 22 – 24
Day 30: Leviticus 8 – 10 1 Samuel 25 – 27
Day 31: Leviticus 11 – thirteen ane Samuel 28 – 31
Apr May June
Day 1: 2 Samuel 1 – 3 1 Chronicles 7 – 9 Job 21 – 24
Day ii: two Samuel 4 – vii 1 Chronicles x – 12 Job 25 – 30
Day 3: 2 Samuel 8 – 11 one Chronicles xiii – xvi Job 31 – 34
Day 4: two Samuel 12 – 13 1 Chronicles 17 – 19 Job 35 – 38
24-hour interval five: 2 Samuel xiv – xvi 1 Chronicles 20 – 23 Task 39 – 42
Day vi: 2 Samuel 17 – 19 1 Chronicles 24 – 26 Psalms 1 – 8
Day 7: 2 Samuel 20 – 22 1 Chronicles 27 – 29 Psalms 9 – 17
Day 8: 2 Samuel 23 – 24 2 Chronicles 1 – four Psalms 18 – 21
Day nine: i Kings one – ii 2 Chronicles 5 – 7 Psalms 22 – 27
24-hour interval 10: 1 Kings 3 – five two Chronicles 8 – 11 Psalms 28 – 33
Day xi: one Kings 6 – 7 2 Chronicles 12 – 16 Psalms 34 – 37
Day 12: 1 Kings viii – 9 2 Chronicles 17 – twenty Psalms 38 – 42
Day xiii: ane Kings 10 – 12 2 Chronicles 21 – 24 Psalms 43 – 49
Day 14: one Kings 13 – 15 2 Chronicles 25 – 28 Psalms 50 – 55
Solar day 15: 1 Kings 16 – 18 two Chronicles 29 – 31 Psalms 56 – 61
24-hour interval 16: 1 Kings nineteen – 20 2 Chronicles 32 – 34 Psalms 62 – 68
Day 17: i Kings 21 – 22 2 Chronicles 35 – 36 Psalms 69 – 72
Day 18: two Kings 1 – three Ezra 1 – 4 Psalms 73 – 77
Day nineteen: 2 Kings four – five Ezra 5 – 7 Psalms 78 – 80
Day 20: 2 Kings 6 – 8 Ezra 8 – 10 Psalms 81 – 88
Day 21: two Kings 9 – 10 Nehemiah ane – 3 Psalms 89 – 94
Mean solar day 22: 2 Kings 11 – thirteen Nehemiah 4 – seven Psalms 95 – 103
Day 23: two Kings xiv – 16 Nehemiah 8 – 10 Psalms 104 – 106
Day 24: two Kings 17 – 18 Nehemiah 11 – 13 Psalms 107 – 111
Day 25: 2 Kings xix – 21 Esther i – 5 Psalms 112 – 118
24-hour interval 26: 2 Kings 22 – 23 Esther 6 – 10 Psalm 119
Day 27: 2 Kings 24 – 25 Job 1 – iv Psalms 120 – 133
Day 28: 1 Chronicles i – ii Chore 5 – 8 Psalms 134 – 140
Day 29: i Chronicles 3 – 4 Task nine – 12 Psalms 141 – 150
Solar day thirty: 1 Chronicles 5 – six Chore 13 – xvi Proverbs 1 – 3
24-hour interval 31: Job 17 – 20
July Baronial September
24-hour interval 1: Proverbs 4 – seven Isaiah 60 – 63 Ezekiel 25 – 27
Day 2: Proverbs 8 – xi Isaiah 64 – 66 Ezekiel 28 – xxx
Day iii: Proverbs 12 – 14 Jeremiah one – three Ezekiel 31 – 32
Day iv: Proverbs 15 – 17 Jeremiah 4 – 5 Ezekiel 33 – 35
Day 5: Proverbs 18 – 20 Jeremiah 6 – viii Ezekiel 36 – 38
Day 6: Proverbs 21 – 23 Jeremiah ix – 11 Ezekiel 39 – forty
Twenty-four hours 7: Proverbs 24 – 26 Jeremiah 12 – 14 Ezekiel 41 – 43
Day 8: Proverbs 27 – 29 Jeremiah fifteen – 17 Ezekiel 44 – 46
Solar day ix: Proverbs 30 – 31 Jeremiah eighteen – 21 Ezekiel 47 – 48
Day 10: Ecclesiastes 1 – 4 Jeremiah 22 – 24 Daniel 1 – 3
Day 11: Ecclesiastes 5 – 8 Jeremiah 25 – 27 Daniel 4 – five
Day 12: Ecclesiastes 9 – 12 Jeremiah 28 – 30 Daniel half-dozen – 8
Twenty-four hour period xiii: Song of Solomon 1 – 4 Jeremiah 31 – 32 Daniel ix – 12
Day xiv: Song of Solomon 5 – 8 Jeremiah 33 – 36 Hosea 1 – iv
Day 15: Isaiah ane – 3 Jeremiah 37 – 39 Hosea 5 – 9
Twenty-four hour period 16: Isaiah 4 – eight Jeremiah 40 – 43 Hosea 10 – fourteen
Twenty-four hour period 17: Isaiah 9 – 11 Jeremiah 44 – 46 Joel i – three
Day 18: Isaiah 12 – xiv Jeremiah 47 – 48 Amos one – 4
Day 19: Isaiah 15 – nineteen Jeremiah 49 Amos 5 – 9
Day 20: Isaiah 20 – 24 Jeremiah 50 Obadiah 1
Twenty-four hours 21: Isaiah 25 – 28 Jeremiah 51 – 52 Jonah 1 – 4
Day 22: Isaiah 29 – 31 Lamentations ane – 2 Micah 1 – 4
Solar day 23: Isaiah 32 – 34 Lamentations 3 – 5 Micah 5 – vii
Solar day 24: Isaiah 35 – 37 Ezekiel 1 – iv Nahum 1 – three
24-hour interval 25: Isaiah 38 – twoscore Ezekiel 5 – viii Habakkuk 1 – 3
Twenty-four hour period 26: Isaiah 41 – 43 Ezekiel 9 – 12 Zephaniah 1 – three
Day 27: Isaiah 44 – 46 Ezekiel 13 – 15 Haggai 1 – 2
Day 28: Isaiah 47 – 49 Ezekiel 16 – 17 Zechariah ane – five
Day 29: Isaiah 50 – 52 Ezekiel 18 – 20 Zechariah six – x
Day thirty: Isaiah 53 – 56 Ezekiel 21 – 22 Zechariah xi – 14
Twenty-four hour period 31: Isaiah 57 – 59 Ezekiel 23 – 24
October November December
Mean solar day ane: Malachi 1 – 4 John i – 2 i Corinthians 10 – 13
Day ii: Matthew 1 – four John 3 – 4 one Corinthians 14 – xvi
Solar day 3: Matthew 5 – 6 John five – vi 2 Corinthians 1 – iv
Day 4: Matthew vii – 9 John 7 – 8 two Corinthians 5 – 9
Day 5: Matthew 10 – 11 John 9 – 10 2 Corinthians 10 – 13
Solar day vi: Matthew 12 – 13 John xi – 12 Galatians ane – 3
24-hour interval vii: Matthew 14 – 17 John 13 – 15 Galatians four – half dozen
Day 8: Matthew 18 – xx John 16 – 17 Ephesians one – three
Solar day 9: Matthew 21 – 22 John 18 – 19 Ephesians 4 – 6
Twenty-four hours x: Matthew 23 – 24 John 20 – 21 Philippians 1 – iv
Day eleven: Matthew 25 – 26 Acts 1 – 3 Colossians 1 – 4
Mean solar day 12: Matthew 27 – 28 Acts 4 – v 1 Thessalonians ane – 5
24-hour interval 13: Marker i – iii Acts vi – 7 two Thessalonians 1 – three
Mean solar day 14: Marking 4 – v Acts 8 – 9 1 Timothy 1 – half-dozen
Day xv: Mark vi – 7 Acts x – 11 2 Timothy i – 4
Day 16: Mark viii – 9 Acts 12 – 13 Titus i – 3; Philemon ane
Day 17: Mark 10 – 11 Acts 14 – 15 Hebrews one – 4
24-hour interval eighteen: Mark 12 – 13 Acts sixteen – 17 Hebrews 5 – 8
Solar day 19: Marker fourteen Acts eighteen – 19 Hebrews ix – 10
Day 20: Mark 15 – xvi Acts 20 – 21 Hebrews 11 – xiii
Twenty-four hours 21: Luke 1 – 2 Acts 22 – 23 James 1 – five
Mean solar day 22: Luke three – 4 Acts 24 – 26 i Peter 1 – 5; 2 Peter 1 – 3
Day 23: Luke 5 – 6 Acts 27 – 28 ane John 1 – 5
Day 24: Luke seven – 8 Romans ane – 3 two John ane; iii John 1
Mean solar day 25: Luke 9 – 10 Romans 4 – 7 Luke two:1-xx; Jude 1
Day 26: Luke 11 – 12 Romans eight – x Revelation 1 – iv
Solar day 27: Luke 13 – xv Romans 11 – xiv Revelation 5 – ix
Day 28: Luke 16 – 18 Romans 15 – sixteen Revelation 10 – 13
Solar day 29: Luke 19 – 20 i Corinthians one – 4 Revelation 14 – 17
Day 30: Luke 21 – 22 1 Corinthians 5 – 9 Revelation 18 – 19
Day 31: Luke 23 – 24 Revelation 20 – 22

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