2D Shapes


In this section, we will be learning about each mode of _glBegin in deep. So, Let's start!


In _GL_POINTS mode, the each vertex is rendered as a single point, with a color specified before it. Example -

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              _glBegin              _GL_POINTS              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glEnd              END              SUB                      


You can make the points to appear bigger with the help of _glPointSize(). It syntax is -
_glPointSize( size ) where size is the size of the point and it can take value such as 1,2,10,25.4,etc


In _GL_LINES mode, the two vertices are connected to form a line. I've just replace the _GL_POINTS with _GL_LINES.

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              _glBegin              _GL_LINES              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glEnd              _glFlush              END              SUB                      

It will produce the following output -



The _GL_LINE_STRIP mode is somewhat similar to _GL_LINES. The only difference is that, in _GL_LINE_STRIP the previous vertex get connected to the current vertex. I've replace _GL_LINES with _GL_LINE_STRIP -

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              _glBegin              _GL_LINE_STRIP              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glEnd              _glFlush              END              SUB                      

This is will produce the following result -



_GL_LINE_LOOP is similar to _GL_LINE_STRIP. It joins the previous vertex with current vertex and automatically joins the last vertex to the first vertex in order to form a loop. Example -

                          .              ..              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              _glBegin              _GL_LINE_LOOP              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glEnd              .              ..                      

It will produce the following result -


You can also increase the width of the line using _glLineWidth() just like _glPointSize() It has only one arguement for the width of the line. For example - _glLineWidth 3.0

Drawing Circle with _GL_LINE_LOOP

We can use _GL_LINE_LOOP to draw circle. According to polar coordinate, x = cos(phi)r and y = sin(phi)r where 0>=phi>=2pi Here's an example which draw a circle using _GL_LINE_LOOP

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              r              =              .              5              _glBegin              _GL_LINE_LOOP              FOR              i              =              0              TO              _PI              (              2              )              STEP              .              05              _glVertex2f              COS              (              i              )              *              r              ,              SIN              (              i              )              *              r              NEXT              _glEnd              _glFlush              END              SUB                      

This will produce the following result -

Circle with GL_LINE_LOOP


As you know, we have already played with _GL_TRIANGLES. In _GL_TRIANGLES mode, the three vertices get connected to form a color filled triangle. If you replace the previous code with _GL_TRIANGLES, then it will produce the following result -



In _GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP mode, the current vertex gets connected with previous 2 vertex to form a triangle. Just like as shown in the figure below -


Here's an example -

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              _glBegin              _GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              0.5              _glVertex2f              -              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glVertex2f              0.5              ,              -              0.5              _glEnd              _glFlush              END              SUB                      

And, we will have the following result -



In _GL_TRIANGLE_FAN mode, OpenGL draw a connected group of triangles from a origin which is (0,0,0) by default. We will learn how to change this origin soon in higher section. The picture below explain how the vertices are treated in _GL_TRIANGLE_FAN mode -


Here's an example to draw a pentagon using _GL_TRIANGLE_FAN -

                          _TITLE              "Learning OpenGL"              'giving title to your window              SCREEN              _NEWIMAGE              (              600              ,              600              ,              32              )              'creating a window of 600x600              'This is our main loop              DO              _LIMIT              40              'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.              LOOP              SUB              _GL              ()              'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!              _glViewport              0              ,              0              ,              _WIDTH              ,              _HEIGHT              'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.              '_glClearColor 1, .5, 0, 1              _glClear              _GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT              _glColor3f              1              ,              1              ,              1              'using GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to draw a pentagon              N              =              5              'No. of sides, try to increase its value to 6,7,10,etc              _glBegin              _GL_TRIANGLE_FAN              FOR              i              =              0              TO              _PI              (              2              )              STEP              _PI              (              2              )              /              N              _glVertex2f              COS              (              i              )              *              .              5,              SIN              (              i              )              *              .              5              NEXT              _glEnd              _glFlush              END              SUB                      

This is produce the following result -


We can also draw the a solid circle by replacing _GL_LINE_LOOP with _GL_TRIANGLE_FAN in _GL_LINE_LOOP section example.


  1. You already know that I've not discussed about _GL_QUADS, _GL_QUAD_STRIP and _GL_POLYGON. Your homework is to check them out and have fun with them!